Table of Contents

Ped Traffic Module

Want to see random vehicles drive around in your server? The ped traffic module offers a quick and easy implementation to enable synced ped traffic in your server!


This module requires you to have some kind of dependency injection set up in your project that uses the Microsoft's Dependency Injection.

Not sure how to implement that? We've got you covered! Our boilerplate has everything you need to get started.

Getting started


This module REQUIRES the ped module AND vehicle module installed on both client and server-side. For more info, please visit the ped module docs and the vehicle module docs.

Start by installing the latest version from our discord (requires patreon Premium Member tier). You will need to install both server-side and client-side packages for the module to work properly.

Once you've downloaded both the client and server-side packages, you need to add them as reference to your C# projects.

Add the AltV.Atlas.Peds.Traffic.Server.dll to your server-side project, and the AltV.Atlas.Peds.Traffic.Client.dll to your client-side project.


A quick and simple example:


These steps have to be done for both client-side and server-side!

var builder = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder( );

builder.ConfigureServices( (context, services) =>
    services.RegisterPedTrafficModule( ); // <--- Register the ped traffic module
} );
var host = builder.UseConsoleLifetime( ).Build( );

_ = host.Services.InitializePedTrafficModule(); // Initialize the ped traffic module

await host.RunAsync();



We highly recommend you use our boilerplate for this module, as it has built-in appsettings.json loading and everything else you need to run this module. You can still use this module without our boilerplate, but you will have to add appsettings.json loading on your own.

Add the following to your appsettings.json (default settings):

  "TrafficSettings": {
    "MaxTrafficVehiclesInStreamDistance": 30,
    "MinimumTrafficNodesToGenerate": 10,
    "SpawnRadius": 160,
    "MinimumSpawnDistanceFromPlayer": 80,
    "CleanupIntervalMs": 60000,
    "TrafficSpawnIntervalMs": 1000

These values can be changed to modify the behaviour of our ped traffic module.

Name Default Description
MaxTrafficVehiclesInStreamDistance 30 Maximum amount of PED vehicles that can be within stream distance of a player
MinimumTrafficNodesToGenerate 10 Minimum amount of nodes it should generate near the player to spawn a vehicle at
SpawnRadius 160 Radius around the player at which a vehicle can spawn
MinimumSpawnDistanceFromPlayer 80 Minimum distance from the player before a position is considered valid for a ped to spawn at
CleanupIntervalMs 60000 The server does a cleanup of invalid peds/vehicles every X milliseconds. This can be adjusted with this value
TrafficSpawnIntervalMs 1000 The interval at which valid locations for traffic peds are calculated. If you see vehicles spawning on top of eachother, try increasing this value