Table of Contents

Vehicle Module

The vehicle module offer a base implementation of DI usage and Factories to create your own vehicle instances out of the box. It allows you to extend a basic implementation and even extend the factory to create your specific type.


This module requires you to have some kind of dependency injection set up in your project that uses the Microsoft's Dependency Injection.

Not sure how to implement that? We've got you covered! Our boilerplate has everything you need to get started.

Getting started

Start by installing the latest version from Nuget. You will need to install both server-side and client-side packages for the module to work properly.

nuget nuget


A quick and simple example:


These steps have to be done for both client-side and server-side!

var builder = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder( );

builder.ConfigureServices( (context, services) =>
    services.RegisterVehicleModule( ); // <--- Register the vehicle module
} );
var host = builder.UseConsoleLifetime( ).Build( );
_ = host.Services.InitializeVehicleModule( ); // <-- Initialize the vehicle module

await host.RunAsync();

ONLY Server-side

If you consider extending the AtlasVehicleFactory dont forget to use the following overload:

var builder = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder( );

builder.ConfigureServices( (context, services) =>
    services.RegisterVehicleModule<ExtendedVehicleFactory>( ); // <--- Register the vehicle module with your own factory
} );
var host = builder.UseConsoleLifetime( ).Build( );
_ = host.Services.InitializeVehicleModule( ); // <-- Initialize the vehicle module

await host.RunAsync();

Additionally, make sure you override the altV vehicle factory with ours:

public override IEntityFactory<IVehicle> GetVehicleFactory( )
    return _bootstrapper.Value.Services.GetService<IEntityFactory<IAtlasVehicle>>( ); // Or wherever you've registered it

If you still have problems initializing the module you can check out the vehicle module example in our boilerplate!

Using the module

In the vehicle module you have three implementations from us right out of the box which are as follows:

Class Description Link
AtlasBaseVehicle Default implementation with some extra functions and properties
AtlasTuningVehicle Offers additional functions and properties that make tuning easier
AtlasPlayerVehicle Offers a properie to determin an owner

You can use those if they are fitting your needs or extend them as you can see in the following step.

Creating a new vehicle class


On server-side you have to create a new class that inherits from the AtlasVehicleBase

using AltV.Atlas.Vehicles.Server.AltV.Entities;
using AltV.Net;

namespace AltV.Atlas.Boilerplate.Server.Features.Vehicles.Overrides;

public class ExtendedVehicle : AtlasVehicleBase
    public string NumberPlate
        set => NumberplateText = value;

    public ExtendedVehicle( ICore core, IntPtr nativePointer, uint id ) : base( core, nativePointer, id )
        Console.WriteLine( "ITS AN EXTENDED VEHICLE!" );

You can also inherit from our other vehicle implementations this is just an example.

Extending the Atlas Vehicle Factory


You can also extend our default vehicle factory so you can add your own methods to create vehicles


If you extend the base vehicle factory dont forget to use the RegisterVehicleModule<ExtendedVehicleFactory> overload to register the module as stated above! (~/articles/

using AltV.Atlas.Vehicles.Server.Factories;
using AltV.Net;
using AltV.Net.Data;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace AltV.Atlas.Boilerplate.Server.Features.Vehicles.Overrides;

public class ExtendedVehicleFactory( ILogger<AtlasVehicleFactory> logger, IServiceProvider serviceProvider ) : AtlasVehicleFactory( logger, serviceProvider )
    public async Task<ExtendedVehicle> CreateVehicleAsync( string model, Position position, Rotation rotation )
        var vehicle = await CreateVehicleAsync<ExtendedVehicle>( Alt.Hash( model ), position, rotation );
        vehicle.NumberPlate = "We extended it";

        return vehicle;

You have to use the CreateVehicleAsync from the base factory for inheritance to work!


You can find examples for all our modules in our boilerplates client-side and server-side